The construction industry in South Africa relies on earth moving equipment hire service providers. These include professional contractors, small developers and individuals who have constructed their own buildings. The reasons behind this are numerous. But one of the more important reasons to use a reputable supplier of quality and affordable earth moving equipment hire is that most small to medium building industries that are able to afford the equipment that they require, need to rely on a reliable and dependable provider of affordable and reliable earth moving equipment hire. This is because when equipment such as these is not properly used or maintained, not only can it have an effect on the construction itself but also cause a considerable amount of expense.

Not only does the construction business need to make use of earth moving equipment hire, but also there are a range of construction related processes that require the use of such heavy equipment and tools. For example, if you are planning to build a new house, building an extension, constructing a road or a tunnel requires the use of earth moving equipment hire to facilitate the construction process. In fact, the construction of any structure that is extensive enough to be considered ‘large’ can make use of heavy equipment and tools. In addition, this machinery and equipment will invariably be expensive as well.

However, while construction may be the number one activity in which the earth moving equipment hire sector of the construction industry can be found, it is not the only activity that makes up this industry. You also find this type of equipment and tools in a variety of other industries including building and development, road works and the health care industry. In fact, you can even hire a bulldozer if you wish. Another example is when you need to dig a trench or install pipes. Again, you will need a large conveyor belt to make this possible, and this is where you may find the need for earth moving equipment hire to facilitate the process.

The earth moving equipment hire industry has, therefore, become very much a part of the construction industry. It is not uncommon to come across a construction project where there is a requirement for such heavy equipment and tools. One of the most common places where you will find earth moving equipment hire is on construction sites. Any construction project that involves digging or moving earth on a massive scale, whether it is merely for construction or a massive mine shaft operation, will almost invariably require the use of earth moving equipment hire. It is for this reason that construction companies of all sizes regularly hire these powerful machines.

The second most common place for the earth moving equipment hire industry to be seen is in the mining industry. There is a huge range of equipment that is required when it comes to mining, and almost every aspect of this industry will require the use of machinery. For instance, all construction equipment needs to have back-up power, which is supplied by electric excavators. The use of such machinery in the mining industry is highly beneficial for two reasons: firstly, it provides all the manpower with which the company would need for the entirety of the excavation; secondly, it ensures safety of all the people participating in the extraction of the valuable resources from the ground.

There are two main types of earth moving equipment hire – off site and on site. Off site equipment hire occurs when the operator of the machine hires the machine from a supplier who keeps it in storage at a specific location, usually on the property of the client. Most of the time, the equipment is hired on lease basis, and the machine will stay at that location until the lease term ends. This is advantageous for all the concerned parties involved in the mining, drilling, and extracting process. The typical cost of such an off site hire is approximately one thousand pounds per day, and this also includes the labour fees associated with the operation of the machine. When it comes to earth moving equipment hire on site, the client can either choose to own or lease the machine.

Those operating the excavators and loaders are most certainly aware of the numerous dangers involved in operating such large machines, particularly when there are no professionals around to supervise them. To ensure safety, the companies engaged in providing earth moving equipment hire ensure their employees undergo proper training and special safety equipment. In addition, all such machines are fitted with emergency stop buttons in the event of any problem, so that they can be brought to a safe stop within minutes. All the equipment has received stringent tests, and each machine has been designed and built with the utmost care.

When it comes to finding the best earth moving equipment hire, you have several options available. The best method is to start by asking family and friends for recommendations. If there are none, then consider taking your company information along, including the details of your equipment, the nature of your business and the amount of equipment you require. In this way, it should be possible to get an accurate quote based on your requirements. If you know that your needs will be changing over time (for instance, you may need more loaders as you work a little further out) then you should be able to tailor your quote to take these into account. Finally, many companies offer a reasonable quote on earth moving equipment hire, so it’s worth asking for a quote from a number of companies before you make any commitments.

Active Transport provides earth moving equipment hire available across Melbourne. For a quote get in touch with us.